Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology UAVSAR Home

Flight Planning Help

Table of Contents

Getting Started
Video Demonstrations
Airports & Flight Lines
Flight Line
Takeoff Airport
Landing Airport
Intermediate Location
Ground Control Point
Flight Plan Report
- Generate Plan
- View Previous Plans

Flight Plan Report

Once you are finished with creating a flight plan, you may generate a report and the result will be saved to your profile. A flight plan must include takeoff and landing airport locations, and at least one flight line.

Flight time estimates are calculated dynamically whenever an item is added, deleted, copied, or rearranged in the flight plan.


Generate Plan

image Under "Flight Plan", at the bottom right corner of the screen, you may select "SAR mode" or "Nadir mode" and the "G3" airplane or the "Global Hawk." Additionally, please choose a name for your flight plan and enter a description of its objectives.

Currently, only SAR mode and the G3 can be selected. A future version of this software will have the capability to plan flights for nadir viewing instruments and a variety of aircraft platforms.

When you are ready, click the "Create Report" button. A flight plan report webpage will be generated (like the one below) in a pop-up window with links to a summary, map, and configuration file.



The summary contains all the flight time estimates, as well as the estimated cost of the flight plan at the bottom. Click the airport icons to the left of the airports or the plus [+] signs to the left of the lines and intermediate airports to find out more information.



The map webpage allows you to view the plan in a larger map and download the KML files for the full flight path and each individual image swath.


Configuration File

The configuration file contains more detailed information about the flight plan and is mainly used by the UAVSAR science coordinator to help put together a final flight plan.


View Previous Plans

image In your user profile, you can find a link to previous flight plans.

Here, you can access the reports for previous flight plans, delete flight plans, and submit a plan to JPL to be reviewed.