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Last Flight Flown: PLAN_24077 (Oct 13, 2024)
L-band. Location: Florida
Last Image Released: chevak_01813 (PolSAR)
L-band. Acquired Aug 23, 2024
YK Delta Chevak
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Airborne NASA Radar Maps Mauna Loa Lava Changes in Hawaii
Teams from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) used UAVSAR's Ka-Band observations to map the thickness of lava flows during a series of flights in December
NASA-NOAA Tech Will Aid Marine Oil Spill Response
NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists are teaming up to test remote sensing technology for use in oil spill response.
Can NASA satellites help monitor snowpack across the SW USA?
SnowEX researchers develop new methods to measure the snowpack with airborne observations