Rotated N01A, N32A, and N31A for a left-looking SAR instrument. N02A was previously rotated October, 2022.
West Facing 2.8 m CR N01A, September 14, 2023 Lat:63.8878746° Lon:-145.24925°
Signage of CR N01A
N01A is at PBR which is the Panoramic Bison Range, and is a 2.8-m trihedral. It is mostly West facing.
Deployment of CR N01A, September 14, 2023
East Facing 2.8 m CR N02A, September 14, 2023 Lat:64.0324449° Lon:-145.1558°
Signage of CR N02A, September 14, 2023
N02A is North of PBR. This is a 2.8-m trihedral and is now supported by 5 front stands. Mostly East facing.
Mostly East Facing 2.8 m CR N31A, September 15, 2023 Lat:64.7615106° Lon:-148.10852°
Signage of CR N31A, September 15, 2023
N31A is South East of Fairbanks and is mostly East facing.
Deployment of CR N32A, September 14 2023
N32A is at the Cold Regions Test Center, Fort Greely. This is a 3.0-m trihedral with 4 front stands. Mostly West facing.