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Calibration Alaska Deployment History

August, 2021

Initial deployment of two NISAR 2.8 m CRs N01A and N02A near Delta Junction, and deployment of UAF’s 3.0 m CRs N31A near Fairbanks and also N32A near Delta Junction.

UAF’s 3.0 m CR N31A was deployed 14 kms ( 9 miles ) south west of Fairbanks, Alaska. Due to time constraints, precise measurement of its position was not possible. It’s horizontal position below is likely good to 10s of meters and its vertical postion is likely good to a few meters. It’s azimuth heading from true north is 10.5° and is mostly East facing. There are 5 CMS (2 inches) of sag in the bottom panel that will effect radiometrics. This will be corrected for in the near future, as will the metrology of its location.

NISAR N31A elevated at 15 degrees, East facing
Deployment of CR N31A, August 30, 2021
NISAR N31A elevated at 15 degrees, East facing
Some sagging of the bottom panel in CR N31A, August 30, 2021

NISAR’s 2.8 m CR N01A was deployed in the Panoramic Bison Range near Delta Junction, Alaska. It’s azimuth heading from true north is 169.5° and is mostly West facing. Over 16 hours of GNSS data was acquired and it is believed that the accuracy of the corner vertex is better than 3 CMS.<\p>

NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
Deployment of CR N01A, August 30, 2021
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
Front edge of CR N01A, August 30, 2021

NISAR's 2.8 m CR N02A was deployed 28 kms ( 17 miles ) north east of Delta Junction, Alaska. It’s azimuth heading from true north is 9.5° and is mostly East facing. Nearly 19 hours of GNSS data was acquired and it is believed that the accuracy of the corner vertex is better than 3 CMS.<\p>

NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, East facing
Deployment of CR N02A, August 31, 2021
NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, East facing
Signage of CR N02A, August 31, 2021