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Calibration Alaska Maintenace

May 2024

In May, we had to adjust some loose tie-downs, and we replaced the ratchet strap with spider wire, as seen in the pictures below. The Spider Wire has an 80lb rating and should hold up to the Delta winds. The AZ was 205° a discrepancy of 9.8° or 10.8° with the -1° bias, and the inclination was 17.2. If Ron and Bruce want us to adjust this reflector so it points to 214°, we can do so when directed to.

NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N01A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing

In May, we found an azimuth of 322° and expected 320.4°, a discrepancy of 1.6° or .6° with the -1° bias. The inclination was 16°. One post is leaning over a bit. The tie-downs were loose, as expected. The pictures show this, but not very well. Ron and I discussed replacing this CR with an ASF Ring-based Reflector after things thaw and dry up. I will bring a replacement CR and Ring base down in June or July. The ratchet strap stayed taught, I was going to replace it with spider wire, but since we will be replacing this CR, I left it as is.

NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N02A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing

In May we found the AZ to be 330° a discrepancy of 0° or 1° with the -1° bias. The inclination was 18°.

NISAR N03A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N03A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N03A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N03A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing

In May, we found an AZ of 331°, a discrepancy of 1° or spot on with the -1° bias. The inclination was 17.2°.

NISAR N31A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N31A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N31A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N31A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing

The turnbuckles securing the CR were mostly taught, a couple needed minor adjustments. During our May inspection, the azimuth reading was 214.5° and was expected to be 214°, a .5° discrepancy with the -1° bias. The inclination was 17.6°. This reflector is holding up well as long as we visit it monthly to check the turnbuckles. As mentioned in an earlier report, the Delta Winds have blown a lot of the bedding sand away, and now that the snow is gone, you can see that more clearly in the pictures. We could fix this by replacing the sand with pea gravel.

NISAR N32A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N32A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N32A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N32A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N32A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing
NISAR N32A elevated at 15 degrees, West facing